5 Star Saddle Pads
Below are the 5 Star saddle pads I have in stock. If you don't see what you're looking for, please contact me, I'd be happy to assist you in designing a custom pad to meet your needs. I've got swatches of the wear leathers so if you're looking for something extra special, we can sit down and put it together.
Here's a little about what makes this pad so special.....
5 Star uses only 100% pure virgin wool in the manufacturing of 5 Star Saddle Pads. They are made with the highest quality F11 Rated Pure Wool Felt available and is made with heat and pressure (never needled) with a Compression rating of 6.0 to 7.0 PSI and a Tensile strength of 200 PSI. The qualities of wool allow it to remove heat by wicking away sweat thus cooling your horse. 5 Star felt protects against pressure points on your horse's back! 5 Star pads will maintain this strength and quality for 2,000+ hours of riding time with proper care!
The properties of 100% Pure Virgin Wool Felt allow it to wick 20X it's weight in moisture which in turn removes heat. Wool breathes and doesn't trap heat like synthetics. 5 Star uses no synthetic and no gimmicks in the manufacturing of their All-Natural Wool Saddle Pads.
To see sample images of pads with different color and wear leather combinations, click here: https://gearuptackandapparel.com/collections/5-star-pad-images